So. I'm a blogger and a procrastinator. So this means I procrastinate on writing blogs. This is problematic. So now I have one more thing on my never ending list to put off... What am I going to do... The world's closing in... someone please help...
Sorry I was just being melodramatic. Seriously though has anyone ever written a radical leftist perspective on procrastination. A good friend in college was a professional procrastinator. He didn't get paid to do it, he was just really good at it. Anyway he had a film due that he couldn't get together to save his life. So he decided to make it about procrastinating on his film. It was genius...
So instead of writing my blog about how we're all going to be disappointed by Barack Obama, or my blog about the racism in the Societal Conviction of Michael Vick, or the blog about the tragedy that is Domestic Violence in our society and more specifically in the Black and Latino Community as evidenced by the Chris Brown and Rihanna story. Instead of writing any of those entries, I will do something even better...
I will write about procrastinating from writing this blog...
So what is a leftist analysis of procrastination. Well I think there is the obvious answer. You know that us procrastinators are just rebels resisting the oppressive results driven capitalist society that measure us based on bs quantifiable outcomes that disregard our true worth and substantive essence. I have no idea what I just said. But don't we kind of all think of ourselves as little Che Guevara's. Putting off that paper, or writing that report for work, or washing the dishes. I think most of us would like to think that we are noble warriors taking a stand against unnecessary rules about what we should accomplish. And you know what I'm not about to take that away from us. We are rebels and we should continue to rebel whenever we see fit. I will however offer some additional analysis...
I have no idea what I'm about to write but I'm sure something will come to mind...
OK procrastination is a way in which we sometimes harm ourselves. A way in which we don't accomplish tasks that we deem important and helpful to our productive existence. Going to the gym, doing our laundry, writing that book. I am in no way saying that all procrastination is harmful, quite the contrary. As I said earlier most procrastination is honorable rebellion. But truth be told. Sometimes it's not the best thing. And once in awhile it can even hurt. We can't wait forever to accomplish these important feats in our lives.
So. What does all of this mean. It means stop procrastinating if it isn't in the name of revolution. If you aren't getting out of bed because your job is nothing but a miserable experience designed to make you a pawn for the Capitalist Power Structure, than by all means stay in bed. But if you're procrastination is self-inflicted punishment, designed to prevent you from reaching your full potential. Than goddammit get your ass in the gym and on that treadmill ASAP.
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