Friday, November 6, 2009


Hey y'all. How have you been? I'm sitting in Boulder Colorado right now and it is unseasonably warm. Being in Boulder, when it is warm, in the fall, is beautiful. Anyway I want to quickly recap my predictions that I made. Her goes. I predicted that on Tuesday November 3rd these things would happen:

The Obama Administration will announce that it is vital that we pass a substantive bill on Health Care Reform

Actually I didn't read a single article about the Obama administration talking about health care, but I'm pretty sure that someone in the administration at some point said to someone that day, that it was vital that we pass Health Care Reform. So... CORRECT

The Los Angeles Lakers will defeat the Oklahoma City Thunder

The Lakers won... CORRECT

John Gosselin will issue a statement suggesting that he is in some way frustrated with Kate

Well John did issue a statement. It actually wasn't that he was frustrated with Kate. It was that he hopes she will forgive him. I knew he was going to issue a statement about Kate I just read the tea leaves wrong. But the effort was there so... CORRECT

And Jay-Z and Beyonce will break up

And lastly Jay and Beyonce didn't break up. I'm pissed at Beyonce because she told me it was over and I believed her. Now I look like a fool. Oh well... INCORRECT

Three out of four. Not bad at all. I told you people that I could transport myself five days in the future. This blogging thing is really improving my abilities in every capacity of my existence. I predict that I year from now I will be able to breath underwater without assistance. The bold predictions never stop coming. Stay tuned.

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