Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanks-Taking Day

Hello everyone! And welcome to a special Thankstaking day edition of Ghetto Hippie.
I do reccomend taking time today to reflect on the oppression that this day represents. Here is a good link to a story that breaks the whole thing down.

And now on to some quick thoughts:

First: This morning while trying to sleep, my beautiful sons came into my bed with the sole intention of waking me up. Of course I am grumpy and saying things like "five more minutes". Than my littlest one (he's four) says "I want to tell you a secret". And he whispers into my ear, "Your step-sister is ugly". Thankfully I don't have a step-sister. I say, "where did you learn that?" He says, "The Joker, cause he's rotten to the core."

Second: If you were at the A16 protests in Washington DC back in 2000 you may be eligible for $18,000 in Green U.S. Dollars. In order to qualify you need to have been arrested at the demonstration on April 15th. I was there. I intended to go to that demonstration. In fact I did. When I got there the police had already blockaded the demonstration in preparation for a mass arrest. I was literally standing on the other side of the barricade talking to people. It was a truly horrible event. They left people on buses for up to 8 hours without being able to pee. They brought them all to a closed down jail. Some people were strip searched. Most of the people in this demonstration, were there because they intended to avoid the more risky actions taking place during the week. They were literally just walking down the street. And some people were on their way home from work and just happened to get caught up in the barricade. Most of them spent 3 nights locked up. It was pretty crazy. Any way for more info go to:

Third: If you remember I declared right here on this blog that Fox News is the Biggest Hater News Station in the history of communication. In honor of their title as the Hater Station I've decided to profile one of the articles from their website. The article entitled: GOP Senator Tells Climate Change Researchers to Retain Controversial E-Mails, basically suggests that officials in the UN are fudging stats to make the case for global warming. Can someone please explain the republican fascination with the idea that global warming doesn't exist? Okay so I get that republicans hate gays, hate choice and immigration. I don't doubt that many republicans would love to live in a world where gays, choice and immigrants didn't exist. But would that help them at all if the sea levels rise and cause an increase in catastrophic natural disasters? The only conclusion I can come to, is that they actually do believe that global warming is happening, and they want us to leave it alone, because it isn't being caused by humans and our waste, but instead it's being caused by G*D. And they are excited about it. Cause after all they are all going to heaven, so who cares if the oceans rise, it's just Jesus cleansing the world. I guess I just figured this whole thing out. Go me.

Four: A couple of "polo-playing socialites" (according to the Washington Post) crashed President Obama's first State Dinner. I don't really have anything constructive to say about this. I just think it's kind of funny. They have pictures of themselves posing with Joe Biden. That's hilarious.

Five: And finally, it's important to give props where props are due. Shakira's newest video NO, may very well be her best video yet. Go Shakira, do your thing.

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